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Block 4 - Top Videos

12345Methode Technology Hall Introvp-tech01
Path from Grief to Joy

Path from Grief to Joy

When we experience loss, it is natural to grieve. However, many people don’t know how to grieve. They may not have witnessed their parents grieving and learned to suppress their grief as a result. Or, they may have allowed grief to overtake them and turn them into bitter, hardened people. Neither is the right response. […]
forgive yourself8. Blade Stealth is Here to Slay Your MacBook Provp-tech04
How to Forgive Myself

How to Forgive Myself

The reason you struggle with forgiving yourself is because self-forgiveness is a myth (a very popular one). If you doubt that, write a letter to your mortgage company, and carefully explain to them how you’re no longer going to make your payments because you’ve forgiven yourself of your mortgage debt. Self-forgiveness puts the totality of […]
Mar20_317. Rift Review: So Immersive You Won’t Realize Time’s Moving Byvp-tech05

The Path from Burnout to Engagement

If you are not experiencing burnout, there is a good possibility someone you love is. With COVID-19, burnout appears to be at an all-time high. When you factor in the overwhelming news cycle, pandemic fears, and forced quarantines, people of all different occupations are heading toward burnout. For example, burnout is such a possibility during […]
dcej6. Status Audio CB-1 headphones are no flash, all soundvp-tech06

The Path from Deception to Truth

According to a popular TedTalk, “On a given day, we’re lied to from 10 to 200 times.” It’s upsetting to imagine being lied to 200 times in a day. But what is more upsetting is to realize that we may have a lying problem ourselves. Multiple studies have found the average person lies more than […]

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