15 Reasons Why You Should Go to Church
At some point, someone has probably encouraged you to go to church. Maybe your mama, your uncle, a neighbor, or a coworker told you it was important.
You might have dismissed it because you didn’t see any real benefits of going to church, or maybe you do want to go to church but sleeping in and going to brunch seems like a better way to spend your Sunday.
No matter your current reason for not going, here are 15 reasons why you should go to church.
1. Grow Your Faith
First and foremost, going to church helps you grow your faith.
The messages, the people, the singing, everything about church is designed to teach you more about God and the Bible.
Simply by opening your mind and walking through the church door, you set yourself up for growing your faith.
2. Practice Gratitude
Going to church helps us practice gratitude.
As you join with others, you recognize that your problems are not the only problems in the world, and thanking God encourages us to look for the things we are thankful for.
You develop an attitude of gratitude as you spend time giving thanks to God – no matter the circumstances.
3. Develop Relationships
We were not designed to do life alone. We crave relationships, but, as an adult, sometimes it is hard to develop relationships.
Going to church makes it easier to develop relationships with others.
Whether you are new in town or simply need to meet new people, church provides an opportunity to surround yourself with others.
Even better – more than merely socializing, church groups foster real community.
4. Strengthen Marital Bonds
Going to church is also good for your marriage.
According to The Institute for American Values Center for Marriage and Families, “Religious Americans enjoy happier and more stable marriages than their peers who are secular or only nominally affiliated with a religious tradition. My analysis of the GSS (2000–2006) indicates that both married men and women aged 18 to 55 who attend religious services regularly (several times a month or more) have happier marriages.”
Church helps couples remember their shared values, and church teaches mutual love and respect for each other.
5. Feel Peace
Our lives are constantly filled with noise and distraction.
Between all the notifications on our phones and the people screaming in the background, it seems like we never get to enjoy true peace and quiet.
At church, this is possible.
Whether it is out of respect or reverence, people tend to grow quieter when they enter a church.
They mute their phones.
They stop yelling.
Church on Sunday brings the sense of peace we’ve longed for all week.
6. Serve Others
Most people want to help others, but sometimes it is hard to know how to.
Church makes this easy.
Churches across America partner with missionaries, community organizations, and nonprofits to give back.
Additionally, churches need volunteers to help run programs and events.
As a result, churches give you multiple opportunities to give your time and money to support a cause important to you.
7. Receive Encouragement
Life is hard. You will go through trials.
Rather than turning inward and trying to battle alone, go to church!
At church, you will receive the encouragement you need to deal with your current struggle.
This may come from the pastor’s sermon or the kind word of someone sharing your pew. Either way, you’ll receive encouragement at church.
8. Learn to Forgive
Forgiveness is hard, but as anyone who has held a grudge knows, holding on to anger, hurt, bitterness, and resentment only hurts you.
Going to church helps you learn to forgive.
The more you recognize Jesus’ forgiveness for your sins, the more able you will be to forgive others.
What can it hurt?
9. Worship Together
We feel connected to others when we do things together.
In particular, we feel more connected to others when we share an experience, such as worshipping together.
As we lift our voices with others, we are reminded how we are not alone in our faith journey, and singing worship songs brings us closer to God.
10. Uncover Your Gifts
If you have struggled to find your purpose, your niche, or discover your talents, head to church.
God has given us each unique gifts to bring Him glory.
Many people don’t uncover these gifts at their workplace because they aren’t given the opportunity, but at church, your unique talent is needed to help the church function as a whole.
For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully.
– Romans 12:4-8
11. Be Prayed For
If you need prayer, go to church!
At church, you will find people willing to pray with you about anything weighing heavy on your heart.
At South Bay Bible Church, we are honored to pray for you, and we have a team dedicated to lifting your needs to God.
Here’s an online form if you’d like to send us a request right now: online prayer request form. You can share as much or as little as you’re comfortable telling us.
12. Improve Health
There have been countless studies about the correlation between faith and health – with church attendance bringing positive results.
Studies have found that “church-goers live longer and enjoy better overall health than the general population.”
Another study found “more religious adults in particular tend to exhibit healthier sleep outcomes than their less religious counterparts.”
Plus, statistics reveal, “people who worship frequently are happier than those who don’t.”
I don’t know about you, but living long, getting better sleep, and being happier sounds good to me.
13. Spend Time as a Family Unit
Church provides an opportunity to do something together as a family, as well as help foster important conversations between parents and children.
We encourage you to continue the conversation you have at church back at home over quiet dinners.
The family that prays together stays together!
14. Discover New Resources
Whether you are struggling financially or with the death of a loved one, the church has a wealth of resources available to help you.
In addition to a pastoral care team, many churches offer biblical counseling, classes, mentors, and a library of resources.
15. Find Meaning
Ultimately, church helps us find meaning.
Church reminds us of what truly matters by pointing us to our Savior.
And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
– Hebrews 10:24-25